Who we are
We have started a new International, English Speaking Church in the City of Munich Germany.We are a group of Christians who seek to understand what the Bible is truly saying (not what society says the Bible is saying). We also have a burden to reach out to those who don't know the Truth about Jesus yet. "Therefore, Faithful Christian, seek Truth, listen to the Truth, learn Truth, love Truth, speak Truth, uphold Truth, defend Truth until death; for Truth shall deliver you from sin, from the Devil, from death of the soul, and, in the end, from death everlasting."(Jan Huss)

Our calling
Many people think they know who Jesus is, what it means to be a Christian, who will go to heaven, etc. But actually, if we dig a little deeper, we find out their belief comes from all kinds of sources, but not from the Bible. Others do live in a genuine relationship with Christ, but they are still unable to live the full live that Jesus promised them, due to misconceptions about God or themselves.Our aim is to bring the Truth of God, revealed through Jesus and the Bible, to as many people as possible.