
Repentance in Prayer

Worship in Prayer

Types of Prayer

Prayer: The Basics

Aletheia and Community

God's Plan for Aletheia in 2025

New Year's Resolutions

Glass Half-Full? Glass Half-Empty? Overflowing?

Jesus, our Prince of Peace

Waiting for Jesus

Does Christmas interrupt my Life?

Community: The S-Word

Community: Bear each other's burdens

Where's my Home?

Community: Love and Forgive One Another

Community: Compassion

Community: The Body of Christ

Community: Prayer

Community: Use Your Talents

Community: Unity

The Parable of the Wedding Banquet

Who is God? Who am I? Forgiveness (Part 2)


Who is God? Who am I? Forgiveness

Who is God? Who am I? Lost and Found (Part 3)

Who is God? Who am I? Lost and Found (Part 2)

Who is God? Who am I? Lost and Found (Part 1)

Church Anniversary: Give Thanks in All Circumstances

Who am I? Creation, Fall andRestoration in Christ (Part 4)

Who am I? Creation, Fall andRestoration in Christ (Part 3)

Who am I? Creation, Fall andRestoration in Christ (Part 2)

Who am I? Creation, Fall andRestoration in Christ (Part 1)

Sin, Identity and the Church

Who am I?

God is Jealous with our Time

God is Good

God lives in us!

God is a Jealous God

God looks at our Hearts

God Gives Rest

The Cross: The Greatest Revelation of God

God is Holy, God Forgives

God is Love

The Great Exchange

The Names of God (Part 2)

The Names of God (Part 1)

Men, Women and the Church

Jesus is God!

Who is God? The Basics

Who is God? Who am I?

Fasting: The Basics

Prayer: The Basics

Receive God's Joy!

Use your Talents

Be Initiative!

Jesus, the Prince of Peace

The Gospel in one night

The Vine and the Branches

Jesus washes the Disciples' Feet

Two Lives to choose from

Heart Attitudes towards Spiritual Warfare

Spiritual Warfare: Conviction versus Condemnation

Spiritual Warfare: Jesus, satan and our emotions

Aletheia: What's Next?

Spiritual Warfare: Jesus, Satan and fear

Spiritual Warfare: Jesus, Satan and our Smart Phones

Spiritual Warfare: Teach us to Number our Days

Spiritual Warfare: Satan's (Lack of) Power

Spiritual Warfare: Satan's Tactics (Part 1)

Outreach and Community

Trust in God's Process

Outreach: Go! And take the first step!

Outreach: Love for the Lost

Money: In His Time

Money: Our Budgets, Our Hearts

Money: Being Generous

Money: Managing the Rest

Money: Saving

Money: Tithing

Money: Work

Money says ..., but God says ...

Money: The Basics

Mary and Jesus

Jesus, the Good Shepherd

After Miracles

After Easter: The Second Fire

The Greatest Gift

An Easter Warning

Obedience, Identity, Truth, Freedom

Jesus and the woman caught in adultery

Manna, Bread and Jesus

Biblical Fasting (Part 2)

Biblical Fasting

Jesus, the Father and His Wll

Jesus and the Sabbath

Go your way, your son lives

My Food is to do the Will of the Father

Jesus heals our brokenness

Seasons of Change, Seasons of Endings

Jesus, the Word

Be Ready, in Season and out of Season

Christmas Promises

Emmanuel: God with us

Christmas: Hope, Joy and Peace

Outreach: Serving Sacrificially

What is my Role within Aletheia?

Outreach: The Body of Christ

Get up and walk

Being Salt and Light

Outreach: Sharing the Gospel

Outreach: The Heart of Outreach

Outreach: Love

Encountering God: God works for our good

Encountering God: Faith, Power, Hope

Encountering God: There is no fear in Love

Encountering God: Unity

Encountering God: Experiencing God's Love

Encountering God: Knowing God

God, Us, Sin

Encountering God: God's Nurture

Encountering God: God's Discipline

Encountering God: Forgiving Others

Reconciliation in Christ

Encountering God: Forgiveness

Jesus offers us Rest

Jesus calls us Friends

Encountering God: Soaking

Faith and Wisdom

Faith and Waiting

Come to me!

Immanuel: God with us

Faith: Past, Present, Future

Faith is a Verb

Living in God‘s Power

Coming with Boldness and Expectations

God's Promises

Faith in who God is

Two types of Faith

The Holy Spirit

Jesus defends us

Jesus, the Bread of Life

When we’re not good enough for God’s Blessings

Jesus and the Woman at the Well

Jesus cleanses the temple

Jesus, the Word

The Spirit is FOR us

The Spirit vs. Works

The Spirit Unifies

Bless the Lord

The Spirit gives Gifts (Part 2)

The Spirit gives Gifts

The Spirit Empowers

The Spirit reveals

Quenching the Spirit

The Comforter

The Fruit of the Spirit (Part 2)

A time for everything

The Fruit of the Spirit

The Day of Pentecost

Changing Perspective

The Spirit in the Old Testament

The Second Wound

The Other Side of Forgiveness

Our childhood: Receiving Healing

Our childhood: Father and Mother

Our childhood


Come boldly!

Run the Race and Preach the Gospel

Our Identity

God's Character

Being little children

The foolishness of this world

Lies that prevent us from being healed

I'm smart (Am I?)

Praying for our church

Lessons learned in 2020

The Miracle of Christmas

A Christmas of Hope or a Christmas of Covid?

Fruit of my life: Ishmael or Isaac?

Being Galatian or being Abraham

Praying for each other

The Great Exchange

Jesus' Restoration

Discipline, Repentance, Love

Two types of discipline

The Lord's Discipline

Prophesy Weekend with Justin Long: Session 5

Prophesy Weekend with Justin Long: Session 4

Prophesy Weekend with Justin Long: Session 3 (Q&A)

Prophesy Weekend with Justin Long: Session 2

Prophesy Weekend with Justin Long: Session 1

Pride: Joseph's Story


Heart Motives



Naomi and Ruth (Part 2)

Naomi and Ruth (Part 1)

The Armor of God

Did God really say ...?

Lies that cause us to sin: Jesus' Temptation

Lies that cause us to sin

In everything give thanks

Healing: Jesus' Restoration

Healing: Consequences of the fall

Inner Healing

I prayed, now what?

Praying for God's Kingdom

Praying for ourselves

Praying for our needs

God's Guidance

Listening in prayer

Teach us to number our days

Praying for each other

Praying for our society

Boldness in Christ

God's Power

Waiting for God

When the world fails us

Praying in crisis (Part 2)

Praying in crisis

Worship and Prayer

The Lord's Prayer

Moses' Prayer

Prayer and Faith

Prayer & Fasting

Pray without ceasing

Living in a fallen world

Prayer: The Basics

Aletheia Identity: Our current focus

Church Identity: Our anchors

Church Identity: Our Core Values

Aletheia Identity: Why do we exist?

In everything give thanks

The Joy of Christmas

Jesus is coming: And now?

Emmanuel: God with us

Results of Repentance

Repentance: Sins of Speech

Repentance: Keeping the Sabbath Day Holy

Repentance: Sins of Thoughts

Repentance: Psalm 51

Repentance: Saul and David

Repentance: Evidence of Faith

The End Times: The Kingdom of God

The Narrow Gate

The Parable of the Sheep and the Goats

The Parable of the Talents

Love requires Action

The Parable of the 10 virgins

Signs of the End of the Age (Part 2)

Signs of the End of the Age (Part 1)

Jesus' Letter to Laodicea

Jesus' seven letters (Part 2)

Jesus' seven letters (Part 1)

The Great Wedding Feast

Jesus pursuing us

Jesus, our friend

The Cup of God’s Goodness and Grace

Paul the Evangelist

Evangelism 101


Evangelism without words

Prayer and Evangelism

The Heart of Evangelism

Being generous

In His Time

Work (Part 6 of our "Money"series)

The Great Exchange (Easter Sunday Service)

Money Part 5: Budgeting the rest

Money (Part 4): Saving

Money (Part 3): Giving

Money (Part 2)

Money (Part 1)

Fasting (Part 2)

Fasting (Part 1)

Faith like Heroes

Counting your troops

Do not be anxious

Seeking God First!

Be Realistic! God's Way!

The Hope of Christmas

Should I even celebrate Christmas?

2. Samuel 11 (Verse by Verse)

2. Tim. 3 (Verse by Verse)

Psalm 1 (Verse by Verse)

Mary & Martha (Part 1 of our "Verse by Verse" series)


Parenting: Raising the Next Generation

Nothing but Sex

My Spouse, the Alien (Part 2)

My Spouse, the Alien

Singleness (Relationships and Family Series, Part 5)

Just Friends

Anger (Relationships Series, Part 3)

Forgiveness (Relationships Series Part 2)

The Bible on Family: The Basics

Claiming the Truth

Who am I? (Part 2) Restoration in Christ

Who am I? (Part 1: Creation and Fall)

The Names of God (Part 3 of our series: Who is God?)

Jesus is God! (Part 2 of our series: Who is God?)

Who is God? (The Attributes of God)

Renewing our Minds

Who am I?

Jesus, the Prince of Peace

Should I celebrate Christmas?


Being Bereans


Freedom in Christ

How can I know whether I am saved?

Come Home, the Father is Waiting (Part 2)

Come Home, the Father is Waiting (Part 1)

The 2nd Fire

Life Unexpected with God

God's Will, God's Way

God's love
